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The reason most people won't take the step to change their lives is because they've lost touch with what is valuable.

What's valuable to you?

Here's what's most valuable to me--this crazy little five-year-old grandson of mine shown here rocking out to his imaginary guitar after his baby sister's dedication ceremony!  He is AWESOMELY VALUABLE!

Where's your pics? Who are what is valuable to you?

Would you be willing to invest the next 90 days of your life for that valuable someone or something if I told you the end result would be a $15,000 per month income?

Would you take the chance that $25 and a couple hours each day could produce that kind of income for you? 

I've got one guy that proved it. He earned $25 the first month. He kept at it. The second month he earned $800. He kept at it. The third month he earned $7,000. There was no stopping him then. 

He went on to earn $15,000 the next month and it just kept growing!

How? He leveraged his efforts with those of others building a team who helped each other to success. 

I'm reminded of a mission trip my husband, brother and I were on in Haiti back in 2001. Our hosts took us on a driving tour of Port au Prince. When we returned to the compound, it was dark and dangerous. Only the night before we had lain in bed listening to gunshots outside our compound.

Suddenly our host realized we were locked outside the gate of the compound and he couldn't raise the security guard on the radio. He must have fallen asleep in the guard shack. We all sat in the SUV for a bit and then my brother, a former Marine, looked over at my husband and said, "Brother, if you give me a boost I'll take care of this in a minute."

Steve boosted Kent over the wall where he crept around the sleeping, unchained guard dogs and into the guard shack. A very flustered guard suddenly appeared at the gate, along with my grinning brother.

Kent and Steve had harnessed the power of leverage to solve a real problem.

John Paul Getty, who amassed one of the largest fortunes of all time, once said, "I would rather profit by 10% of the efforts of ten people than 100% of my own efforts."

Why? Duplication. Multiplication. Those words are more than just math vocabulary. They are the vocabulary of financial wealth.

Do you have 20 minutes to change your life?  If you don't, go on and do what you've always done.

But if you have 20 minutes, I can show you how to get on track to earn $15,000 per month or more.

Fair enough? Click Here.

Is that valuable person or thing valuable enough?

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    I'm a mother of five grown children, a blog-marketer, and a published author. My great joy is helping people like you find new streams of income. Welcome to the river!


    May 2013
    February 2013


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